In a world filled with hate, violence, intolerance, ignorance, fear, prejudice, bullying ... it's easy to forget the good, the beauty and the kind.
Although I try to surround myself with kind, good-hearted people, there are times when the evil seeps in. No matter how hard I try, there are situations in daily life, as an adult, interacting with the world, that I will encounter people who hate, who make derogatory comments about someone's gender, race, beliefs, choice of clothing, where they find love.
In most cases, there's not much point in arguing. I certainly will speak up and voice my disapproval, or at the very least shoot a dirty or disappointed look, but trying to argue with ignorance never turns out well. Mostly it's just frustrating and seems to propagate more bad feeling, rather than the opposite.
But the negativity and fear is everywhere. I can't fight the propaganda on the TV or in other media. I can't hunt down every negative Tweet or Facebook post. I would drive myself crazy and it's not really what I need or want to spend my time doing.
So, instead, I do my best to be the best person I can be, and to help other be their best. I compliment those who try to do good and who encourage others.
And today, I wear this shirt:
Some of you may already know about this shirt, but for those who don't, it's from Jared Padalecki's "I Am Enough" Campaign.
From the website:
"I AM ENOUGH! And so are YOU.
In addition to funding charities that support the fight against depression, self harm and suicide a portion of the proceeds of the Rainbow tee will be donated to OneOrlando and Equality Florida's Pulse Victims Fund." --Jared
Who is Jared Padelecki you may ask. He's an actor currently in the CW show Supernatural.
Ok - so I can be a fan-girl, sure, but I don't normally spend a bunch of money for a shirt (+ shipping) just because it's the "in thing" to do, or is being sold by a celebrity or had a pop-culture theme.
But I bought this shirt. I coughed up the $40 Canadian. This is now, possibly the most expensive part of my wardrobe. Also, when I do get special shirts (normally, only at a discounted rate) I keep them hung up and only wear them once in a while, if at all, for fear that I will stain or otherwise damage them. But I'm wearing this one, and plan to wear it unlit it's unfit to be worn again.
It's my silent protest against hate.
It's a reminder to myself, and anyone who sees it to love yourself first, that no matter what anyone else says or thinks - you are enough.
I am enough.
For me, and many, it's even one step beyond that. Yes, the shirt print is rainbow! Some of the proceeds are going to the victims of the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting.
My thoughts on LGBT? pretty simple, really. If you find love in the arms of good woman - hold on to her. If it's a man - hold on to him. Find what makes you happy and don't let anyone tell you you're wrong for finding it. (As long as it's consensual!)
Love and trust are sometimes difficult to find and Family isn't always a mother, father and 2.4 kids (or whatever the latest stats says). If you can find love, cherish it. if you find trust, never betray it. If you have found a family, never take them for granted. Friendships, family, love... the lines are not so clear-cut in my mind. We should celebrate happiness and joy, no matter where we find it. We should encourage others when they find it. We should cultivate individuality while embracing togetherness.
I don't claim to be an expert and I'll admit that I've lived a some-what sheltered life (as many Canadians have), but it seems to me that if people spent more time striving to be happier with themselves, rather than worrying about other people's lives, the world would be a brighter place.
Don't get me wrong. We have to stop and take notice when evil raises its ugly head. We have to acknowledge and act when others are inciting terror and hate.
But we can't (and shouldn't) all take up arms, and not all of us even want to, but today, I'm wearing this shirt, because today, that's what I can do.
Please be kind to each other. Smile. Say please and thank you. Hold the door and show your fellow human being some compassion. And for that matter, be kind to yourself!
... and animals too.