Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Writing Exercise - September 23, 2014

Day #2's exercise:  Random Fact

There are approximately 4740 species of frogs around the entire world.

Writing Sprint:


I’m told there are over 4500 species of frogs in the world, and ya gotta figure there’s about a million of each species. Well, thousands at least. That’s a lot of frogs.

I’m also told that a princess has to kiss a lot of frogs before she finds her prince.

Well, I’m just one frog, and I’m looking for my princess. But the numbers are against me. I’m way out here in the middle of some swamp and all I ever see are other frogs, a few newts and other amphibians. Oh sure, there are fishes and snakes and a whole bunch of bugs, but the bugs are my food and I try to avoid the snakes as best I can, and the fish, well, they aren't much for chitchat.

There was this neighbour frog who was a real looker. Her hind legs were strong and went on forever, but she thought a lot of herself. Was never as careful as she should have been. Ended up in some snake’s den, and was never seen again.

Anyway, I've been looking for a good woman, someone to share a lily pad with, ya know?

I suspect I’ll have to leave my swampy home and venture into the great beyond to find my true love. I’ll miss the old place, but what’s a frog to do. 4740 times a few thousand...
I had better get started.


If you're so inclined, feel free to comment, or even try the exercise yourself with some random fact.

Please try to be constructive with your comments. Encouragement, not ridicule.


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