Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What Inspired Me?

As I've mentioned before, I have an Etsy Shop!

The creations I've listed in my Etsy Shop have, to date been inspired by the TV show Supernatural. #SPNFamily.

But what specifically led me to put these specific combinations together?  Perhaps best if I start by explaining what each charm means to me, how they signify certain feelings and concepts. Some are very specific, others are more general.

** Caution ** Spoilers Ahead **

One of the most important symbols in the show is the Pentagram. Often identified as a Wiccan or Satanic symbol, our heroes explain early on that the Pentagram is used as protection, to ward off demons. True that the symbol can be used in summoning rituals and spells, it is also key in trapping demons.

I use several different styles of pentagrams, but they all, to me, represent protection and staying safe.

When paired with other symbols, they can take on an even deeper meaning.

The boys'  '67 Impala is, in its own right a cast member, a character, part of the family.

The Impala witnessed, and was even a key element in many crucial events. She even had a hand (or tire?) in stopping the apocalypse! 

Aside from a few episodes, Baby has always been there. Since before the boys were even born. 

Their father John, while dating their mother, bought the car second had and it has been in the family ever since. Baby has been a safe haven and base camp for the boys. When travelling from town to town, not knowing where they would be stopping, or sleeping next, the one thing they could count on, could get comfortable in, was their dependable '67 Impala.

The Impala can be seen as symbol of safety, hope, home, trust, strength, familiarity, innocence, a family legacy, continuity and dependability, but ultimately she is associated specifically with Dean. When the Impala is damages, often seemingly beyond repair, Dean rebuilds her. She is his safe space, his therapy, his love, his pride.  

Sam's shoe is a very specific reference to a moment in season 3, episode 3: Bad Day at Black Rock. 

Sam is undeniably a strong, smart, capable hunter, willing to put his life on the line to vanquish evil and save lives. He's fearless and selfless. 

Cursed with bad luck, in the moments leading up to Sam losing his shoe, he is the exact opposite. He is vulnerable, meek and maybe even pitiful. We feel deeply for him and want to save him, tell him it will be alright and we want him to get his shoe back.

This moment has gained notoriety within the fandom and the mere mention conjures the vivid memory of a defeated Sam on the side of the road, with only one shoe. 

Sam's Shoe has also inspired a number of memes.

Angels are featured prominently in the show, specifically season 4 and beyond. 

The S04 opener is one of my favorites. It includes some of the best cinematography I've seen. The imagery of Dean, freshly crawled out from his grave; as the camera pulls back we see the devastation caused by the force required to pull him out of the pit. Even more stunning is the shadows cast by both Dean and his grave marker. Ominous, perhaps a little reassuring, certainly foreshadowing. The forces of Man and God. We are left to wonder if these forces will work together, or against each other. 

In this episode, we are introduced to Castiel, an Angel of the Lord; and what an entrance he makes. But Cas isn't the only Angel in the show, nor was he even the first (but we didn't know that yet.)

There's a lengthy list of who's who from the celestial realm including Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Metatron and even Lucifer, to name but a few.

In my SPN inspired creations, I use a variety of wings. I don't use them to represent any specific Angel, but more the concept. (Although if pushed, I'll admit that I have my favorites and that many are a nod to Cas.)

Unicorns are mentioned a few times in SPN, but my inspirations comes from the demon Meg and her Unicorn. Season 8 Episode 17: Goodbye Stranger.

We all understand what Meg meant when she referred to her unicorn.  This moment comes about during a heart to heart with Sam and Meg. Sam explained how it came to pass that he was out of the hunting business for a year. Sam had (hit a dog and) fallen in love with Amelia. Meg summed it up as she 'get it', that Sam had found his unicorn. Shortly thereafter, Sam had to go save Dean and Castiel. Meg bids him adieu saying, "Go save your brother... and my unicorn."
There has been several instances prior to this even, when the interactions between Angel (Castiel) and Demon (Meg) was affectionate, protective and even lustful.  

Odd, isn't it, that we can get so attached to a Demon; be inspired by her, understand her, even grow to love her. Perhaps odder still, is that she found her unicorn in the form of an Angel.

We all aspire to find our own unicorn, some may even turn out to be Angels or Demons themselves.

And what, I wonder, will that make us?

(I could go one step further and say that a unicorn is magical, much like  the actress who plays Meg: Rachel Miner.  Each time I use a unicorn, it's a silent nod to Rachel. I wish her well and would love to see her return to the show.)

The colt along with its special bullets is one of the only things known to kill vampires, demons and the like. Throughout the series, the boys find and lose track of the gun several times. The gun is not only a weapon with great power, but like many things in the show, it serves multiple purposes and is a  'key' element in keeping the planet safe. 

For me, the Colt is a symbol of strength and protection, but also something that shouldn't be treated lightly, something that should be kept safe out of the reach of those that would do harm.

There are many different types of swords and blades in Supernatural; silver blades, Demon & Angel blades, Michael's Sword (Yes, I know it was metaphorical and not an actual sword - but maybe that's my point.), swords to kill dragons, to decapitate Vampires and Leviathan, a silver blade dipped in lamb's blood to kill a Djinn. I could go on.

At certain moments, blades have played more than just tool to kill, they help reveal a character's motivation and can foster relationships;  Dean regrets calling  Jo's blade a 'pig-sticker' when she reveals it belonged to her father; Ruby introduces the concept of a demon blade which she later shared with Sam.

Ultimately, however, swords, knives and blades are weapons and represent strength and protection, much like the colt.

This one is simple and only vaguely relates to the show. I could argue that cupids and valentine's day are referred to several times,  that Becky scribbles hearts in her notebook, or any number of heart or love type references, but the truth is, hearts are a universal symbol of love.

My use of hearts is uncomplicated. I love the show and presumably, anyone who has read this far along is either a fan, or knows one. In turn the heart paired with another charm denotes affections for what that symbol represents; a heart and Baby, love for Dean, a heart and a moose, love for Sam. 

You get the idea.

My newest charms:
Moose & Squirrel:
If you're a fan of the show, you know that Crowley, the King of Hell, refers to Sam and Dean as Moose  and Squirrel (or Not Moose). The Moose, then, is a direct reference to Sam; The Squirrel, to Dean.
I can't deny that the Moose has a bit of a Canadian flavour to it as well, but maybe that's just me. ;)

More to come as my creativity takes over.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November News

We'll I've done it!

Not sure if I'm in over my head or not, but I've opened up an Etsy shop.

I've been a huge crafter for years (and years and years and years...) and I've always loved making things that make other folks smile.

Recently, I've been making necklaces inspired by the TV show Supernatural. (Don't get me started, I can talk forever about #SPN) I joined a few #SPN groups on Facebook and have offered a few of my simpler pentagram necklaces to some group members. Everyone seemed to love them. When I posted some of my other creations, folks started to ask where they could buy them; if I had a store.

Well, now I do!
or you can search etsy for scurry3369. (I've made sure to tag all my listings with my well known online 

I really want to just create, share and enjoy, and I'm willing to do that, for the most part, except that it gets expensive when I have to mail the stuff I want to share. I have offered free stuff to my online friends, sucking up the cost of the materials and the mailing cost. But as I say, it's getting expensive, and I can't keep it up.

My hope is not to get rich form Etsy, but I would like to share my creations with whomever would enjoy them. 

Please take a look and let me know what you think, what you like, and what you would like to see. :)

The thing about Etsy is that it isn't free. It costs post a listing and there are fees and charges for every sale made on the site. On top of that, I'll have to mail to whomever purchases. For these reasons, I'll keep the store going for as long as I have activity on my shop page. I'll eventually diversify, but for now, it's #SPN.

Cheers and happy browsing.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Love, Hate & my New Shirt.

In a world filled with hate, violence, intolerance, ignorance, fear, prejudice, bullying ... it's easy to forget the good, the beauty and the kind.

Although I try to surround myself with kind, good-hearted people, there are times when the evil seeps in. No matter how hard I try, there are situations in daily life, as an adult, interacting with the world, that I will encounter people who hate, who make derogatory comments about someone's gender, race, beliefs, choice of clothing, where they find love.

In most cases, there's not much point in arguing. I certainly will speak up and voice my disapproval,  or at the very least  shoot a dirty or disappointed  look, but trying to argue with ignorance never turns out well. Mostly it's just frustrating and seems to propagate more bad feeling, rather than the opposite.

But the negativity and fear is everywhere. I can't fight  the propaganda on the TV or in other media.  I can't hunt down every negative Tweet or Facebook post.  I would drive myself crazy and it's not really what I need or want  to spend my time doing.

So, instead, I do my best to be the best person I can be, and to help other be their best. I compliment those who try to do good and who encourage others.

And today, I wear this shirt:

Some of you may already know about this shirt, but for those who don't, it's from Jared Padalecki's "I Am Enough" Campaign.

From the website
"I AM ENOUGH! And so are YOU.
In addition to funding charities that support the fight against depression, self harm and suicide a portion of the proceeds of the Rainbow tee will be donated to OneOrlando and Equality Florida's Pulse Victims Fund." --Jared

Who is Jared Padelecki you may ask. He's an actor currently in the CW show Supernatural.

Ok - so I can be a fan-girl, sure, but I don't normally spend a bunch of money for a shirt (+ shipping) just because it's the "in thing" to do, or is being sold by a celebrity or had a pop-culture theme.

But I bought this shirt. I coughed up the $40 Canadian. This is now, possibly the most expensive part of my wardrobe.  Also, when I do get special shirts (normally, only at a discounted rate) I keep them hung up and only wear them once in a while, if at all, for fear that I will stain or otherwise damage them. But I'm wearing this one, and plan to wear it unlit it's unfit to be worn again.

It's my silent protest against hate. 

It's a reminder to myself, and anyone who sees it to love yourself first, that no matter what anyone else says or thinks - you are enough. 

I am enough. 

For me, and many, it's even one step beyond that. Yes, the shirt print is rainbow! Some of the proceeds are going to the victims of the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting.

My thoughts on LGBT? pretty simple, really. If you find love in the arms of good woman - hold on to her. If it's a man - hold on to him. Find what makes you happy and don't let anyone tell you you're wrong for finding it. (As long as it's consensual!)

Love and trust are sometimes difficult to find and Family isn't always a mother, father and 2.4 kids (or whatever the latest stats says). If you can find love, cherish it. if you find trust, never betray it. If you have found a family, never take them for granted. Friendships, family, love... the lines are not so clear-cut in my mind. We should celebrate happiness and joy, no matter where we find it. We should encourage others when they find it. We should cultivate individuality while embracing togetherness.

I don't claim to be an expert and I'll admit that I've lived a some-what sheltered life (as many Canadians have), but it seems to me that if people spent more time striving to be happier with themselves, rather than worrying about other people's lives, the world would be a brighter place.

Don't get me wrong. We have to stop and take notice when evil raises its ugly head. We have to acknowledge and act when others are inciting terror and hate.

But we can't (and shouldn't) all take up arms, and not all of us even want to, but today, I'm wearing this shirt, because today, that's what I can do.

Please be kind to each other. Smile. Say please and thank you. Hold the door and show your fellow human being some compassion.  And for that matter, be kind to yourself!

... and animals too.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Gishperience 2016 Team Le Radis!

My Gish Experience.

As per my previous blog post,  I was hesitant to join GISHWHES, even though I really, really wanted to. There were many reasons, but in the end there were more reason to join, than not to.

It was a BLAST. My team mates were awesome and so dedicated - just fantastic.

One of the conditions I set for myself, with the support of my team co-captains, was that I wouldn't overdo it - that I wouldn't over commit. My personal resources (specifically health related) have been strained lately and I didn't want to burn out.

At our 1st team meeting, on Gish Day 1 - and it was a doozey at 4+ hours - I agreed to take on about 4 tasks - that's not a lot, but I was already getting nervous about being able to complete them.

The first was right up my alley - hand made birthday cards for Ryan:
We had some young helpers at our meeting who where more than happy to make a few to get us started. Another team member volunteer his daughter to also make one, and I made one too. I gathered all the photos of the cards and stamped envelopes and made my 1st submission.


I was pretty happy with what I had done and felt ready to look at what else I had agreed to.
I had to Mail myself... This was super fun! The postman at work, Louis, was as excited as we were to make this happen. Again, with another team member to take the photo, the task was completed and another submission was on its way.

One of the tasks involved me waiting for a specific tweet from Misha Collins on a specific day... the specific details of task remained unknown until the last minute.  Nothing is ever simple. This task ended up  being a Twitter Poem - started by Misha, retweeted by me, with the next 2 lines of the poem and tagging  someone on our team to continue... total of 14 team tweets. Not so easy to coordinate. I had to walk a few folks through the twitter process, as some don't tweet much. But it got done!!   (Had a picture here - but seems to be gone.) :(

Another takes was a 360 degree  video with an exciting intro but very boring footage - all within 14 seconds. - I filmed the inside of an empty cube van. Nothing too interesting, and significantly more difficult than I had originally thought. But, I got it done.

Along the way, there were side tasks, related to the hunt, but not actual items to get points. Many on our team played along. I wrote a Haiku for Commandment #36 and tweeted it at a specific hour on a specific day.

I had looked over the task list many times by this point and had committed to do another task - Zachary Levis... Paint a portrait of Zachary Levi on a pair of Jeans. I wasn't too stressed about this one and surprised myself with how well it turned out.


Original image:

I also took on Living my Dream - well, more like nightmare...

I offered my skills and experience to the team with cropping images or putting together multiple shots for an entry, basic video editing, as well as uploading image and video entries.  Some of my faves:

Spider-Man does chores (Photoshop)

Regional Pictures (Team Photos -Photoshop)

Coupon Fairy (Photoshop)

Hope Bra (Photoshop)

Artichoke Bouquet (Photoshop)

Corn-husk dress (Photoshop)

Plasticine Front Page (Photoshop)

Gishwhes Jingle (video editing)

Bad Lip Reading (Expert camera holding skills)

I ended up being a key participant in a few other entries as well...
Selling Ottawa Air (Props & photography)

CosPlay Misha Collins at one of the Wonders of the World...
we couldn't get to any, so we chose a Giant Spider "Maman".

Hipster Kilroy Meme (meme creation)

Fighting Drones (Expert drone flying skills)

There were so many other fantastic entries by my team mates, I was just blown away.
All things considered - I'm glad I did it, and that I didn't commit to more!
I felt excited and exhausted, I wanted it to be over, and yet, never end.
It was an amazing experience with a fantastic team!

A little bonus footage of Pineapple Jogging!

Can't wait for next year!

Monday, July 25, 2016

A small, random act of kindness & Gishwhes

I'm not so well off that I can throw money around. I can't even throw money at my own problems enough to make them go away.

Along with financial, I also have a plethora of medical and family issues, but in the grand scheme of things, I'm doing alright.

These issues have limited my activates, and although I really, really, really wanted to, my medical issues specifically had me questioning my ability to join & participate in Gishwhes 2016.

At the last moment (before the deadline extension) my would-be team co-captain encouraged me once again to sign up, and I did!! I am the 15th member of Team LeRadis. (TheRadish).

As is my nature, I let the excitement take hold and wash over me.

On the weekend, I headed out to forage for food and stopped in at the local Dollar Store.

Whilst parking, I noticed a colourful shopping bag near the garbage bins at the back end of the lot. Upon further scrutiny, I saw that there was a person tucked beside the bins, sleeping (I hoped). He was on the ground, face down. There was a cardboard box with the words "Help Please".  I couldn't see his face, and I couldn't tell  how old he was or get any idea about the person at all.

I've seen homeless folks before, of course, but I wasn't in an area that this is normally seen. I just wasn't expecting to see it, and it shocked me, and hit me hard.

I proceeded to park and go about my trinket shopping, but I couldn't get the image out of my head.

As I trundled through the Dollar Store I found a Big Red Tennis Ball - 'What a great idea' - I thought - 'for a larger than life Radish mascot for our Gishwhes team!'  

As I roamed the store looking for more supplies for my new project, I stumbled into the food isle. I couldn't help but think of the man by the garbage bins. 

I kept walking, looking. I started to get thirsty. I couldn't help but think that the man by the garbage was probably thirsty too.

I strolled thought an isle with school supplies and a few knapsacks.

I stopped.

What was I doing?

Here I am picking up stuff - for fun - for a Gishwhes Team mascot - and some dude is sleeping beside a garbage bin. It didn't seem right.

Somehow, for reasons that are very apparent, the image of Misha (and his kids) popped into my head...

In March 2015, Misha brought his kids along to hand out coffee, doughnuts, and gift certificates to the homeless.

I picked up a knapsack and headed back to the food isle.

I stared  to add some more stuff to my basket;  a few cans of chicken and ham (no can opener needed) some crackers, fruit cups, bottled water...  and some cold Gatorade from the fridge by the cash.
I grabbed some wet-wipes and a toothbrush, toothpaste too.

I don't know what this guy needs, and I sure can't solve all his problems - but food and a little dignity might be nice, ya know?

Paid for my haul and packed the knapsack.

I was a little nervous, but I hopped in my car and wrote a note....
"Looks like you're having a hard time.
Hope this helps.
Hope things get better.
Don't give up."

I drove towards the garbage bin and saw that the man was awake, now crouched.
I (snapped a pic. and) got out of my car, hesitantly, heart racing.

"Excuse me sir."
I had to say it a few times before he looked up.

I handed him the bag, but he didn't take it.
"This is for you. There's some food, drinks and other things. I hope it helps."

His eyes widened in disbelief and he shook his head.

"This is for you..." I offered the bag again.

He spoke and I didn't quite understand, but his body language was clear.
Something  like "This is for me? really?"

He still wouldn't take it, so I placed it by his other bag and I said again " For you, I hope it helps."

He looked at the bag and back at me and nodded a "thank you" and spoke something again, in broken English and I began to walk back to my car.

He then made a little cheering motion and a big smile. I smiled too, and he did the cheer motion again.

I mimicked the cheer motion with a big smile and got into my car.

We waved at each other as I drove away. I think he was happy, grateful. 

I don't know if I anything in that bag was of any help - probably, at least the water.

But maybe what was inside wasn't what mattered - maybe it was some other living person on the planet acknowledging that he was there, and offering some sort of kindness... I don't know.

...but I know that I cried on my way home.

p.s. I think Misha would approve. kind.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Follow up to TEDx

The Kanata North BIA's April publication features the TEDxKanata Breaking Barriers on the front cover.

There is also a 2-page article withing, in which I am mentioned, by name.

Very proud to have been a part of this event!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

TEDxKanata 2016

My TEDxKanata Adventure.

WOW! What a great experience - fantastic evening with inspirational, brave, and innovative speakers. My love affair with TEDTalks is is well known to some, and I was honoured to have been a part of the TEDxKanata event.

It all started when I saw the promotions on Twitter several months prior to this year's events. The process to buy a ticket isn't as simple as one might think. I had to fill out an application explaining why I wanted to go, and why I felt I was deserving. If they felt I was deserving enough, I would be invited to buy a ticket.

So,  I filled out the application, but I'm not a scientist who's made a miraculous breakthrough , or an entrepreneur who has revolutionized the way we do business. In fact, I don't believe I'm particularly more special or deserving than any average Joe on the street. But I applied anyway. Truth was, even if I was one of the chosen few, I wasn't sure I could afford it. $100/ticket was a steep price for me. But I applied and figured I would decide what to do in the off chance they scraped the bottom of the barrel of applications, and found mine. I would cross that $100 bridge when and if I came to it.

But then I notices a contest. Design a backdrop for the TEDxKanata stage (with certain criteria and within a specific budget) and get tickets to the event. This gave me hope.  I am, after all, a graphic designer and that is, at least in part, what I do for a living. This should be easy... no??

I worked and toyed with a few ideas, but that budget restraint was pretty tight, so I had to be creative.

Finally, I entered my backdrop design idea, with estimated budget, and waited.
  And waited.
     And waited.

And then a month before the event, I received an email. I had Won!! Holy Smoke!

I was stoked, for sure, but it also meant a heck of a lot of extra work for me to get done.

I met with Deborah from TEDxKanata and we had a great brainstorming session about a few tweaks and the expectation and limitations of the venue, stage and backdrop.

And so it began. My original design was, for the most part, still intact; a specific graphic to be swapped out to match the promotional material they've been using for the event.

My design consisted of 2 elements:

1. The large 8' x 20' backdrop, printed and installed on 5 sheets of coroplast, then mounded together with more coroplast "struts" for strength.  As the theme of the event was Breaking Barriers, the design for the backdrop was of a brick wall tumbling down to reveal the event's graphics and theme text.

2. 25 3-dimensional faux bricks that would bring the illusion of the tumbling wall into the fore-ground. These brick props could also be used for souvenirs able to be signed by speakers.

I've created and produced many graphics over the years, but I've never made a fake brick.

My initial thought was foam - but foam is surprisingly expensive, so I found another way.

Tissue Boxes!!

Perfect size and reasonably priced.

Step one was to remove the tissues and seal the boxes back up. I have a plan for the tissues!

Next step was to print a decal with the TEDxKanata event logo & info to be stuck to the bricks, giving an area appropriate for writing or signing.

Now for the fun part.

Using the tissues emptied from the boxes, along with some water and glue, the long process of texturizing the brings can begin.

Layer after layer, side after side, one at a time. The process was slow, but not hard. The longest part was the drying time.

Once the sides were texturized, the next step was painting. Again, slow process with a lot of drying time.

I had help!  Many hands make light bricks - true in this case anyway.

Of course we can't forget about the actual backdrop. Part of the challenge was to have the bricks in the printed image and the 3D faux bricks look similar.

Printing the backdrop, after a few tests, went fairly smoothly.

But the printing was only part of that challenge.

Installing a 4' x 8' print onto coroplast isn't without its own issues.
Thankfully, I and the folks I work with, know a thing or two.

Steady hands, a few good felted squeegees and an hour later, the 5 4' x 8' panels were done.

The day prior to the event - backdrop set-up imminent - final check.
  • 3D Bricks?   Check
  • 5 panels?      Check
  • Bracing material?       Check
  • Various tools and adhesives for set up?     Check

Excellent!  Time for setup!

The TEDxKanata event was taking place in the BrookstreetHotel's Ballroom on Thursday, March 31st, 2016. By the time we arrived for set-up, on Wednesday evening, the stage, seating, lighting, cameras, and recording equipment  were already in place. Also there, were the official 3D TEDxKanata letters. It was impressive. I had to take a breath and enjoy the moment. I was here and I was a part of it.

I don't get out much, and this was a really big deal for me.
But I didn't have time to bask in the glow of TED for long, we still had work to do!

Sorting out the panels, and preparing the struts was first on the list.


 We were pretty happy when we raised the first panel!

But then things got tricky. Aligning each panel to every other panel wasn't easy, but with a little persistence and some light persuasion, it all came together... eventually.

Huge thanks to my helpers!!!

About 3 hours later, it was up and we were done for the day.

We planned to arrive well in time on Thursday,  to make any last minute adjustments before the event, and we did. We dispersed the remaining 3D bricks and began to relax.  Even by then, we had had some great feedback about how the stage turned out.

The evening was fantastic; filled with inspiring stories of brave people pushing boundaries and breaking barriers.

TEDxKanata and others were Live Tweeting the event too! Here's but a taste...

The 3D bricks were scooped up quickly by guests and organizers alike. I think they were a Huge Hit!

Thanks and congratulations to everyone involved for such a great opportunity and wonderful event.


Highlights from TEDxKanata

Mucho Thanks to DNG TjS CG and ATD!!