Monday, July 25, 2016

A small, random act of kindness & Gishwhes

I'm not so well off that I can throw money around. I can't even throw money at my own problems enough to make them go away.

Along with financial, I also have a plethora of medical and family issues, but in the grand scheme of things, I'm doing alright.

These issues have limited my activates, and although I really, really, really wanted to, my medical issues specifically had me questioning my ability to join & participate in Gishwhes 2016.

At the last moment (before the deadline extension) my would-be team co-captain encouraged me once again to sign up, and I did!! I am the 15th member of Team LeRadis. (TheRadish).

As is my nature, I let the excitement take hold and wash over me.

On the weekend, I headed out to forage for food and stopped in at the local Dollar Store.

Whilst parking, I noticed a colourful shopping bag near the garbage bins at the back end of the lot. Upon further scrutiny, I saw that there was a person tucked beside the bins, sleeping (I hoped). He was on the ground, face down. There was a cardboard box with the words "Help Please".  I couldn't see his face, and I couldn't tell  how old he was or get any idea about the person at all.

I've seen homeless folks before, of course, but I wasn't in an area that this is normally seen. I just wasn't expecting to see it, and it shocked me, and hit me hard.

I proceeded to park and go about my trinket shopping, but I couldn't get the image out of my head.

As I trundled through the Dollar Store I found a Big Red Tennis Ball - 'What a great idea' - I thought - 'for a larger than life Radish mascot for our Gishwhes team!'  

As I roamed the store looking for more supplies for my new project, I stumbled into the food isle. I couldn't help but think of the man by the garbage bins. 

I kept walking, looking. I started to get thirsty. I couldn't help but think that the man by the garbage was probably thirsty too.

I strolled thought an isle with school supplies and a few knapsacks.

I stopped.

What was I doing?

Here I am picking up stuff - for fun - for a Gishwhes Team mascot - and some dude is sleeping beside a garbage bin. It didn't seem right.

Somehow, for reasons that are very apparent, the image of Misha (and his kids) popped into my head...

In March 2015, Misha brought his kids along to hand out coffee, doughnuts, and gift certificates to the homeless.

I picked up a knapsack and headed back to the food isle.

I stared  to add some more stuff to my basket;  a few cans of chicken and ham (no can opener needed) some crackers, fruit cups, bottled water...  and some cold Gatorade from the fridge by the cash.
I grabbed some wet-wipes and a toothbrush, toothpaste too.

I don't know what this guy needs, and I sure can't solve all his problems - but food and a little dignity might be nice, ya know?

Paid for my haul and packed the knapsack.

I was a little nervous, but I hopped in my car and wrote a note....
"Looks like you're having a hard time.
Hope this helps.
Hope things get better.
Don't give up."

I drove towards the garbage bin and saw that the man was awake, now crouched.
I (snapped a pic. and) got out of my car, hesitantly, heart racing.

"Excuse me sir."
I had to say it a few times before he looked up.

I handed him the bag, but he didn't take it.
"This is for you. There's some food, drinks and other things. I hope it helps."

His eyes widened in disbelief and he shook his head.

"This is for you..." I offered the bag again.

He spoke and I didn't quite understand, but his body language was clear.
Something  like "This is for me? really?"

He still wouldn't take it, so I placed it by his other bag and I said again " For you, I hope it helps."

He looked at the bag and back at me and nodded a "thank you" and spoke something again, in broken English and I began to walk back to my car.

He then made a little cheering motion and a big smile. I smiled too, and he did the cheer motion again.

I mimicked the cheer motion with a big smile and got into my car.

We waved at each other as I drove away. I think he was happy, grateful. 

I don't know if I anything in that bag was of any help - probably, at least the water.

But maybe what was inside wasn't what mattered - maybe it was some other living person on the planet acknowledging that he was there, and offering some sort of kindness... I don't know.

...but I know that I cried on my way home.

p.s. I think Misha would approve. kind.