Sheila's Secret Page

Welcome to my Secret Page.

Little tidbits about me and some of my worldly observations.
Presumably, this will be an ever growing page, but I'll start here.

For instance, if you know me at all, you'll question my omission of Crabs on my About Me Page. I am nothing if not a certifiable Crabaholic! I've been a Deadliest Catch viewer since before the show was even a series. I'm a little Crab-Crazy and have visited the docks in Seattle. I've met a bunch of the guys and seen many of the boats. If you know the show, you'll recognize some of the faces, but I'll bet you can't name them all!! ;)

Obviously, since I'm in these pictures, I have my friends to thank.
I have the best friends in the world and they are, indeed, all around the world.

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Ok - a past obsession - and I'll defend it, still.

Ya - I'm a geek, a fan girl and nerd - call me what you want, but I don't just fall into any fandom
without good reason. I'm encouraging to others about their fandoms, but I don't just jump.

Stargate started as a movie. An excellent awesome movie. It delved into a realm other sci-fi wouldn't touch. It was before it's time.
When the show came out, about 10 years after the movie, I resisted. I figured it would ruin the movie for me, it would sully the awesome I had hung upon the characters. And as much as I adore Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver), I had trouble picturing him as a replacement for Kurt Russell as Jack O'Neil.

Then, one day there was a Stargate SG-1 marathon on TV and I happened to tune in at Season 1, Episode 1. I begrudgingly watched, setting myself up for disappointment, I told myself I could tune out whenever I wanted.

I never turned it off.

The show, like most shows I like, is not just about the episode, not just about the problem their trying to solve, the monster/bad guy they have to stop or kill. It's more about the characters and how I (the audience) can relate to them and the reaction to the various situations, no matter how unbelievable or improbable. It's about how the characters relate to each other and how believable they are. It's about how they grow and overcome their own fears, short-comings, and vices.

I'm willing to suspend disbelief as long as the characters are reacting in a believable manner.

I know that the writer, director and even the editing team play a huge role in making it all work, but the actors (actresses) have to be top-notch to pull of the more "out-there" plots and story lines.

So ya. I love Stargate and Stargate SG-1 (Not a huge fan of the spin-offs, but they had their moments).

Even more in the past was, as mentioned, MacGyver. I won't delve into why I loved the show, except to say that I was a huge fan at the time and it still holds a spot in my heart.

However, RDA was the lead in both. Both shows were (for the most part) filmed in Vancouver and many actors played in both shows....

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Which brings me to a current obsession...

Another show filmed in Vancouver and with some overlap of actors as well.

The show?? (If you know me, this won't  come as a surprise.)


Here's why.

Fantastic acting! Sure the writing, directing and editing are great too, but ya don't really see what they do, so the actors get the lion's share of the credit.

Sure, it's full of great looking people doing heroic stuff, but it's more than that.

Again, the show asks questions that other shows don't, it addresses current social issues, without being preachy or political.

But the actors, let's get back to them, because, let's face it, they sell the show.

The two main characters, Sam and Dean are played by Jared and Jensen. (Look 'em up if you need to.)

I was immediately (within the 1st season) impressed with Jensen. Sure, he's a good looking guy, but when I first started watching (again - marathon starting with S01, E01) he was a kid. I was old enough to be his mother. (I was late to the game - he's only about 8 years my junior.) This kid impressed me. He committed to his character. No matter how ridiculous the situation, he stayed true to Dean, his character, even in strange bizzaro circumstances, when Dean  wasn't himself, he picked it up and went with it. Full commitment.

From what I understand, the show was supposed to be centered around Jared's character, Sam. Jared even has first billing. If I thought Jensen was a kid... Jared is even younger. A mere pup. But he's a fine actor as well. Very committed and believable. And he only gets better with time (much like his hair).

These two actors; brothers on screen, have such great chemistry that it's hard not to be pulled into their world.  Like most siblings they care for each other, but also have their differences and they fight (sometimes with weapons). But when push comes to shove, they have each other's backs - well, most of the time.

What strikes me about the series most, is what happens off screen.

These actors, thrown together and asked to play brothers at the beginning of the series, have  become friends as close as brothers off-camera. They have each other's backs through all of it. They've grown to be husbands and fathers and they are each other's off-screen family as well as on.

But again, it's more than that. The Fandom is unlike anything I've ever seen. There are a lot of fandoms out there, but this one seems more like a family - to a point that they identify as such. #SPNfamily. The fans of the show support not only the show and the actors, but each other too. And the actors support the fans. It's amazing to witness, even remotely through twitter or other social media.

It's perhaps a sign of the times that these actors, of this generation, are so in-tune with their fans thought the magic of conventions and social media. They respond and interact with their fans and treat them with respect. In return, the fans respect them as well. There's a true give and take.

Many of the cast have regular campaigns that give back to various charities and causes. Some of the late additions to the cast, very talented actors themselves, are just as caring, approachable and giving.
This show isn't for everyone and not everyone will understand the fandom, but I get it. At least I think I do. I think it's about core values - the same core values that I lived by; be kind, have compassion for others, do the best you can with what you've got, never give up, and always be yourself.

Words to live by, no?

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