Thursday, October 30, 2014

Oct. 30th, 2014

I have pages now, with links to get to them and everything.
I think that alone, with all the effort I had to go to should count as my writing entry, but I’ll write something too… :)

 What was supposed to be a simple video of our beautiful daughter starting her first day of school, turned into the video documentary of a lifetime.

The day started out rather hectically, as one might imagine. Steven and I had both planned to go into work late so that we could walk our sweet little Patricia to her first day of school.

She had been excited the night before and had had difficulty getting to sleep. As a result, she was a little cranky this morning.

We managed to get most of her breakfast into her and only had a few minor spills.

We packed her lunch box and her back-pack and made sure not to forget Bibbit, her beloved stuffed frog.

Off we went, down the three blocks to the school yard.  Steven had a Go-Pro strapped to his shoulder so we wouldn’t have to miss a single moment. The sun was shining on the colourful leaves and the birds were singing; it was a beautiful autumn morning. Not a cloud in the sky.

We arrived at the school yard, is seemed, at about the same time as everyone else. Many young faces, eager to begin a new chapter of learning, and many more older faces there to encourage the youngsters.

I suppose with all the chattering, it’s no wonder that no one noticed the birds had stopped chirping. But they had.

Everyone was so concerned with lunchboxes and teddy bears and dirty faces, that no one even took much notice when the sun grew dull.

People did start to take notice when a low pitched HUMMMMM grew louder and louder, and as the once bright morning grew darker and darker.

The crowd took a great deal of notice once they looked up to see a hovering disc, the size of a city block floating above our heads.

There were no lights to be seen. Parts of the disc seemed to be spinning, while others seemed to be still. It was most peculiar.

The children began to scream. The adults who could keep their wits about them, did their best to calm their offspring.  Everyone hurried for some type of safety.

Steven and I scooped up Patricia and clung to each other, unsure where safety might be found. 

The yelling continued. Some folks ran to cars, others to nearby houses.

I looked at Steven, and although I saw some fear in his eyes, I saw mostly excitement. We both looked at Patricia, and to our amazement, she was smiling, excited for what was happening.

The Humming was very loud by that time and we seemed to be the only family still in the school yard.

The very centre of the disc began to move, shimmy and spin.  We didn’t know what to expect next. Possibly a beam of light, or a weapon?

Neither Steven nor I were about to leave until we knew, and it was all we could do to keep Patricia from running to get a better look.

Our questions were answered, but even more jumped into our minds when, from the center, came a wave of heat, or energy, and there, in front of us, stood a smallish, greenish being. About the same height as Patricia, wide eyes, tufts of purple stringy hair, carrying a raggedy looking stuffed thing, and a small colourful box.

Patricia then broke loose of our grip, and ran to the being, stopping just in front of them.

“Hello” she said. “Is this your first day too?”

True story, it’s all on Steven’s GoPro

I could, and maybe should go on, but for now, I’ll leave it there.
Hope you enjoyed.

Feel free to comment and please take a look at the other pages on my site… let me know what you think.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Oct 29th 2014


First Date:

About half way through dinner, I was beginning to think I had made a bad choice. Sure he was cute, but there was no zip. I was bored, to be honest.

The food was fine, it was a nice restaurant, but the conversation was superficial and predictable.

I excused myself to go to the little girls’ room.

I stood at the mirror debating weather or not to go back out, or to call up by friend to get her to call me back with some made up emergency.

The moment she left the table, I was able to exhale.  She made me so nervous I could barely speak. Worst first date I had ever been on. She’s beautiful, but the way she looks at me… I’m sure she isn’t interested in me at all. She sure isn’t interested in anything I have to say.

She gives me these looks, as thought I’m a boring idiot with nothing worth saying. I have a lot to say, but I get the feeling that she’s judging my every word, my every move.

Maybe she just won’t come back, maybe she’ll just skip out.

I decide to do the right thing. I take one last look in the mirror, fix my hair and head back to the table.

Oh crap, she’s coming back. Take a deep breath Jimmy…

I take my seat next to him and clear my throat. I look him straight in the eyes. “Listen”, I smile, “I’ve had a really nice time”.
I wasn’t lying. It had been nice. Boring, but nice.
“I just don’t think that we’re really hitting if off… do you?”

Well, I can’t say I didn’t see it coming.
“Ya, I was feeling the same.” I could also feel the weight lift from my shoulders as the words left my mouth. “It was really great to meet you, Tiffany.”

His smile seemed very sweet and genuine. He certainly had his charms. I smiled back, relieved that he also felt the same way.

Her smile can certainly light up a room. “So, no desert then?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. His comment caught me off guard.

Her laugh was intoxicating.

“No,” I replied “no desert.”

I watched him as he called for the bill. It was easy to see why I had been drawn to him in the first place. It’s a shame the date didn’t go better, to bad things didn’t click.

We walked together out of the restaurant and as I held the door for her, we noticed that it had begun to rain… heavily. 

I couldn’t believe that this date could get any worse, but it was now pouring and his car was parked about a block away. “Crap” I swore, I guess we’ll have to make a run for it.”

I didn’t want her to have to get soaked. “I can get the car, you wait here.”

That was sweet of him, and his eyes were so kind. I nodded. “Thanks,” and he was gone. Running, the rain pelting down at him from above, the puddle splashing up form below.

He looked good from behind, I’m not going to lie. His dress shirt, now wet, clung to his shoulders. Really sweet of him to go get the car, in the rain, for someone who, basically just bailed on the first date.

Soaking, beyond wet, I think my bones are floating, but I suppose its a fitting end to a date as bad at that one. The car fogged up as soon as I got in, so I had to put the fans on high. Still can't see too well through the windshield.

But I saw her from a block away. There was just something about her, an air of elegance, quiet beauty. The date may not have gone well, but I was glad I had met her.

He pulled up, and I jumped into the passenger seat. He was soaked.

When she jumped into the car, she looked so adorable. She hadn’t been in the rain all that long, but it had soaked her pretty good.  I reached for some extra napkins in the glove box and handed her a stack. She laughed again. Mesmerizing.

“Ha ha” I took the stack of napkins, and patted my face dry with a few, but handed him back the rest “you need these more than I do.”

She was pretty cute, sitting next to me in the warmth of the car, the cold rain outside.

He didn’t take the napkins, so, naturally I gently patted his face to dry it off.

Then she did the most unexpected thing, she began to dry my face.  I was dumbfounded, once again at a loss for works. My hand went to meet hers and I held her hand as she continues to dry my face.

It felt easy, comfortable, as though he needed me to reach out to him. Then he reached back to me and I found myself lost in the moment.

She stopped and we held a look.

His eyes looked right into my soul. I could feel him in my heart.

Before I knew exactly what I was doing, I found myself leaning towards her, and then…

He leaned towards me and before I knew what was happening…

We kissed, and it was magical.

Hope you enjoyed. :)

Comment if you like.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Oct. 28th, 2014

A little free-flow writing.

In some ways it's exactly how I'm feeling, but i tried to look at it from different points of view when I wrote it.

It's not long, but it was a bit draining.

Hope you enjoy.

I’m tired, so tired. I want to sleep, rest my eyes for just a moment, and rest my bones for only a second. I’ve been through so much and I’ve come so far, but now, I need to stop, not for long.

I’m afraid that if I stop, I’ll never start again, that I’ll fade away into the soft and easy ebb and flow of dream land forever. Destine to never really complete my journey.

But every fibre of my being aches. My feet, my legs and, oh, my back is so very sore. If I could only take a moment just to relieve he pressure.

The pressure is the glue that binds me together and the stress propels me forward. If I stop, the pressure and stress will build up and I will be unable to cope.

From all the pressure and stress so far imposed upon me, I have sores and bruises. I need to heal, let my body and my mind relax and mend. I need some time to repair the damage done.

If the damage is done, what’s one more step? And then another? It’s all in the mind. Keep going, another, and another. There is no pain, only another stop.

Step, step, must step… must stop. Stop and breath, stop and unwind, slowdown and find the calm, find the quiet, the tranquil, the void. The nothing.


Hope it didn't tire you out.
I know I'm exhausted.

Cheers and
Good night.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Oct 27th, 2014

I had class tonight, and we were asked to do a writing exercise... write a speech, given by a secondary character at the wedding (or funeral) of another character.
As one might expect, I didn't do it.
Which is not to say I don't see the value in the exercise, just that as I'm not really working on any single project right now, there wasn't much point in me inventing a character, or rehashing an old one.

However, in the spirit of writing every day and taking a close look at character, I decided to make today's jumble of words reflect the inner thought of a man who had experienced much loss.

I'm not sure 'enjoyment' is to be had, but perhaps some level of appreciation.

I woke up at 6am, like I do every morning. I had become so used to it that I didn’t even need an alarm clock. Out of habit, I stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom.

I soon found myself filling the coffee maker, without really remembering walking down stairs. The bread was already in the toaster.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I had no where to go.

After 37 years at the plant, after devoted service, never questioning, never stepping out of line… it was all gone.

My job at the plant had cost me my health, my wife and my family.

I had done every job they had asked of me, every overtime and weekend shift, every chemical spill clean-up, every stinking thing they ask of me. Now, after all I’d given to them, they took everything I had.

The plant’s owners decide one day, that my services are no longer needed.

I arrive early yesterday morning and there’s a note on my locker to see the shift manager.

He apologized, but handed me a final check. 

6 weeks. 

Two that were owed to me, two more for accumulated vacation and two weeks severance.

Thanks very much.

The toaster popped the toast, with the slight smell of burning.

All I can do is stand staring at the coffee pot, now over flowering.

I collapse into a chair, slightly stunned.

My hard work, devotion and my loyalty had earned me nothing.
Not a retirement dream come true, not even a fancy retirement party.

All of my over time hours had lost me what little social life I had. Living so close to the plan, always on call. Both I and my wife suffered from severe health issues. My children don’t visit, having blamed me for their mother’s demise.

I’m alone and useless, unwanted.

Photographs of happier days line the shelves and mantle, small reminders of the life that has passed me by.

The boys from work must be starting to arrive at the gates now, bright and ready to get started. I can almost hear their voices, laughing, joking, telling tales of what they’ve done, or plan to do.

I wonder if they even realize I’m not there.

I wonder if they miss me.

I wonder.

The overflowed coffee bubbles away on the hotplate beneath the coffee pot. The toast, still waiting to be plucked up, now cold and hard.

And I am old and unwanted.

Ignoring the mess in the kitchen, I quietly, sombrely, climb the stairs, back to my bedroom.

Back to the comfort of the covers.

Back to the darkness of sleep.




I’ve nothing else to do.

It wasn't fun to write, but it picked at a few sore spots and made me dig deep.
Perhaps, if for that reason alone, it was worth the effort.

and as always, feel free to comment.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 25th & 26th, 2014

This post will be short and may seem like a cop-out, but rest assured, I've been busy writing.
On midnight, Firday night, I was assigned my parameters for the 2014  NYCMidnight Short Screenplay Challenge.
To cut to the chase:

Genre:  Crime Caper
Location:  A blimp
Object:  A water balloon

The challenge: 5 page screenplay in 48 hours with parameters assigned.
It was a tough one, but I managed to get something together that isn't horrible.
I've uploaded it to the competition, but am not supposed to share it until I receive confirmation back from the contest.

That being said - here are a few links to some of my previous entries:

My first ever entry:
Comedy, Family Vacation, A Pharmacist.
  Catalyst -12 page script.

One of my more recent entries:
Drama, A Photographer's Studio, A Belt.
  Kevin - 5 page script.

Hope you enjoy the reads.

Cheers and please feel free to comment.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Oct 24th, 2014

Tonight (midnight) marks the beginning of the NYCM short screenplay challenge.
I'll receive a Genre, Location and Object and will have 48 hours to write a 5 page screenplay.

I am not supposed to post what I've written until after submissions have been accepted and verified.
I'll be working primarily on that for my writing this weekend.

But here's Friday's jumble of words.

The only thing I could say was “ok”, but it wasn’t ok, none of it was ok.

When they told me that I could never go home, never see my family or my friends again, that I would be given a new identity and a new life, all I could say was “ok”.

But it didn’t matter what I said.

My life was in danger, and no matter what I did, it always would be.

If I left town, I could at least, save my family and friends from also being targets.

I could start again, new town, new work, new friend, new life.

I didn’t ask for this.

I didn’t want this.

I’ll never really be ok with any of this.

But I suppose I’m the lucky one.

I saw a murder, a gang hit. I was the face of the man clear as day, I heard his name and I heard his voice.  I saw his buddy and the other guys in the car, waiting.

I saw them all, and I know they saw me.

They gunned down a man.
The owner of a small grocery story.
He wasn’t a rich man, or a powerful man, just a man.
Must a man trying to work, trying to make a life, trying to provide for his family.
He was a nice man, always had a smile and always had something nice to say.
And now he’s dead.
Shot by some punk kid.
And now his wife will never see him again, never hold him, never kiss him again.
His young children will grow up without a father.

It’s a terrible thing.

And I saw it all unfold in front of me.

Why thing didn’t just kill me too, I can’t be sure.

I know they would now, if they got half a chance.

So I gave my statement to the police,
They’ll keep me some place safe until the trial, I guess
and I’ll never see my family again…

Hope you enjoyed.
Feel free to comment. :)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Oct 23, 2014

Gotta write.. gotta write... every day, gotta write

I just started writing and this is what got written...

The more I think about it, the more I know I was right.

Besides that, I really had no choice. I suppose I did, but no other choice that made any real sense,

Either way, the punishment should fit the crime…

It all began on a simple walk to school. I’d done it hundreds of times before. And I was lugging my backpack with me. But them I heard this little <meow> and, well, I had to stop and see.

Sure enough, there was a teeny, tiny little kitten, all alone by the side of the path. So cute. Then I heard another little noise, so I searched a little more. Sure enough, I found more kittens. Five in all, an the momma cat.  She looked worn out and skinny, desperate for help.

My heart broke.

So really, I ask, what other choice did I have?

I gathered the kittens together and got to work.

First, I emptied by backpack of its contents, books, homework, gym cloths and my lunch.  I bundled the kittens together in y gym cloths and tucked them gently back into he bag. I tore part my lunch, looking for something the momma cat would like. Luckily, that day, I had a tuna fish sandwich. Which was lucky for both momma kitty and me.

Not that I don’t like tuna fish, I just don’t like making my own lunch, so the sandwich was not really a gourmet creation, no mayo, no butter, just tuna fish right out of the can, smooshed between two slices of bread.

Momma kitty was pretty hesitant, but had been watching me handle her kittens with care.  She took the first morsel with reluctance, but soon was comfortable eating every single bit I offered.

It was at his moment that it began to rain. Not heavily… at first.

I tucked momma kitty in the knapsack, along with her kittens, then bundled my text books and homework in my lunch back.

I tried my best to keep everything dry and clean, but it was difficult to haul the squirming mass of cuteness and the over stuffed back of books.

Again, I ask: what real choice did I have?

I stashed the bag of equations and theories and paragraph after paragraph of sentence structure under the nearest bush. I made note of the bush for later retrieval and hurried on to school with the litter of wiggly kitties.

I was late.
Of course I was late.
And I was wet.
It was raining, so of course I was wet.

My teacher said I caused distractions.
I had 5 kittens and their momma in desperate need of help.
Anyone with a heart was going to take notice, I had no control over that.

I was sent to the office, kittens and all.

The office staff was even distracted by the cuteness.

Anyway, they told me I was suspended and called my Mom. Boy oh boy, she was none-to-happy when she got there to pick me up.

I was even given a ‘D’ for the missing homework.

But ya know what, maybe it’s was all for the best.  I had the rest of the week to make sure that Momma and her kittens were ok.

On our way home, we stopped off at the bush and I collected the slightly damp, but none the worse for wear textbooks and home work. Mom even admitted to me that she was happy to escape the drama and politics at work for a day to spend time with me and our newest family members.

Hope you enjoyed and please feel free to comment or share.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Oct. 22, 2014

Today was a terrible day for Ottawa.
RIP Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.

Difficult to concentrate on anything today.

I did what I could. I hope it offers some enjoyment.

He had this maniacal laugh. It made me uneasy. 

He eyes were crazy looking, always darting from one thing to another, but never focusing on anything. 

When he spoke, it was gibberish, I think he thought it made some kind of sense, but it was mostly just noises all jumbled together. He got really irritated when I couldn’t understand him. 

He was like a time bomb, and could go off at any moment. He was completely unpredictable. He would start throwing things for no reason, as hard as he could, anything he could get his hands on. 

And the yelling, the screaming. If lunch wasn’t exactly to his taste, all hell could break loose, it was as though the world was coming to an end. 

He was completely irrational and unwilling to listen to reason.

I have no idea why anyone would willingly welcome such a person into their life
   into their home… 
      in to their own family.

It’s a good thing he eventually grew out of it.

My crazy baby brother.

Feel free to share or comment,

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oct. 21 2014

It's my Mom's Birthday today. Happy Birthday Mom. Love you lots!!

Today's writing blurb was prompted by a prompt. 'magin that. I didn't really read it, but remember the words "Blind Date" and "Circus" so I went with that.

Jennifer, on her cell phone is excited. We can hear only one side of the conversation

“I don’t know, I hope so.”

“His name is Scott. Dreamy name, don’t ya think?”

“I’m so nervous. I just was to die.”

She giggles and shakes with excitement.

“Sarah, will you come with me, that way if it doesn’t go well, you can bail me out?”

“Oh come on, it’ll be fun. Please??”

“The circus.”

In the car, on the way to the circus, Sarah and Jennifer giggle and chat and sing.

Upon arrival at the circus, the pay for their tickets and wait at the entrance.

Jennifer eyes every young man in the crowd.

Sarah scans the crowd and asks “How will you know it’s him?”

“He said he would have on a black hat and would be wearing a black coat.”

The girls scan the crowd. Occasionally they would motion to someone and whisper to each other. “Is it him, or him?”
They speculated and dreamed and hoped; “I hope he’s charming.” “I hope he’s not dull.”  “I hope he’s sweet.”  “I hope he’s a hotty”.  The laugh together.

But no one came to meet Jennifer.

Her heart began to sink. “Maybe he’s just running late, Jen. I’m sure that’s it.”

The show was about to begin, so the girls made their way under the big-top and found seats. Amazingly enough, right down front, near the center ring.

Jennifer whooped with excitement at their luck. “This almost makes up for being stood up!” The girls laugh together and settle in for the show.

The lights dim.

The music grows from a drum roll into a flourish of trumpets.

A stop light turns on to illuminate the Ring Master, front and center. A tall good looking man in, as one would imagine, top hat and tails, although younger than one might expect.

“Ladies and Gentelmen…” he bellows.

And the best show on earth began.

Clowns dressed in polka-dot, swirls and stripes of all colours danced in and around the rings, venturing out to involve the crowd between acts. High wire acts, trapeze flyers, bicycle stunts and even a act with very smartly trained dogs. They all led up to the fire eaters.

The sounds and sight we spectacular and the girls loved every bit of it; the glitz, the spectacle, the joy, the fun. They Ooed and Awed, they laughed and watched in amazement until the very last possible moment was done and the crowd had started to file out.

“That was amazing, wasn’t it Jen?”

Jennifer could barely stop looking at the set up, reliving the events in her mind.

The circus performers had started to emerge once again from back stage, resetting equipment and tidying up for the next show.

The Ring Master was in the center of it all, helping and delegating. He stops a particularly colourful clown as he passes, and relieves him of some of his hold. They sort and store the props.

The Ring Master notices the girls watching and motions for them to come near.

The do, happily, excitedly.

“I see you both enjoyed the show.” He remarks.

The girls answer in chorus. “Oh yes, very much.”

The Ring Master picks up a prop, colourful flowers and turn to the girls. “I’m very glad to hear that, Jennifer, and I’m very happy to finally meet you.” He hands Jennifer the flowers.

Mouth agape, Jennifer is speechless.

Sarah nudged her with an elbow, but is also silent.

“I told you I would be in a black coat, didn’t I?”

Jennifer struggles a little with her words.

“You’re Blind?… I mean, you’re my Scott...”

Scott, the Ring Master smiles and bows to her. “I am Scott, you’re blind date.” He reached for Jennifer’s hand and kisses if gently.”  He raises his head to look at her astonished face. “I hope I didn’t disappoint.”

Jennifer blushed, shakes her head and beams a beautiful smile ear to ear.

Hope you enjoyed.


Please feel free to comment.
Let me know if you liked it and why, or why not.

Oct. 20th, 2014

It’s Monday, so I had writing class tonight, I’m sure that counts as my writing for the day, but I’m trying out my new Writing Exercises App. :) As per normal, I only used the prompt as a start point and ignored the parts I don’t like…

A simple drink after work with friends was all I had in mind, but I got more than I ordered.

The regular group of girls from the office agreed to meet after work at the bar on the corner. I was lucky and had no last minute projects arrive at quitting time, so I left the office on promptly.  The others mustn’t have been so lucky.

I was the first to arrive.

Behind the bar, as always, was Joe. He greeted me with a wave, bar towel in hand. I took a seat at the end of the bar near the door to wait for the rest of the girls to arrive.

A few tables away sat a young couple. She was drinking a fruity drink as he sweet talked in her eat.

At a booth across the bar, a rough looking guy in a leather jacket sat, half propped up, almost falling over. One beer bottle in his hand, and another in the table.

In the farthest booth a well dressed man in a business suit.

Joe brings me a glass of water and asks “Your usual today, Grace?”

With a broad smile, I nod and wrinkle my nose. He knows me too well, I’m too predictable.

Joe winks and returns the smile.

He sets to fix me my drink. “Where are the others today?”

“Oh,” I glance at the door, “They’ll be here eventually.”

When I return my attention, my drink is sitting in front of me, but something’s wrong.

I clear my throat in a mockingly critical manner.

With a smirk, Joe produced a lemon wedge and affixes if to rim of my rum and coke.

“Perfect” I remark.

As Joe turns to clean up, he adds “Isn’t it always?”

From behind me, I hear the door open.

“Finally”, I think, as I turn to greet my friends, but who I saw instead were two very tall very ominous looking cops. They were in full riot gear, or at least, that’s what it looked like to me.

They stood beside me and I tried my best to look innocent, which shouldn’t have been hard, but for some reason was.

Joe, having also noticed the large uniformed guests, had made is way to this end of the bar.

“Can I help you officers?”

They proceeded to ask several questions about the regulars; once again, I tried my best to look innocent. Joe did his best to be helpful, but when the questions became more direct, he began to get curious. “What’s this all about, may I ask.”

The cops shot me a glance, and I felt every bad thing I’ve ever done bubble up from inside me. The time I took that pen from the bank; the countless office supplies sitting at home that were liberated from the office, the bag of dog poop I threw in my neighbour’s trash… It was me there were here for! I was sure of it.
My ears were ringing and I could barely breathe, but I almost passed out when I heard them say…


The already quiet bar became even more silent and still.

The cops continued to question Joe. I tried to listen as best I could with out being obvious. I leaned closer, strained my neck.

“Body… …Missing person’s report… … Eye witness…”

If I could only hear more.

I suppose my attempts at being inconspicuous weren’t working out as well as I had hoped.

The larger of the two cops shot me another glance. “Perhaps if we could see the store room, Joe?”

“Absolutely, officer. Not a problem.”

They vanished into the back rooms.

I was left on my own to speculate.  What did I know for sure? There had been a murder, a missing person and a witness.

I wondered who it was, who did it and …Oh No!! Might they still be here?!

I glanced at the young couple.
They were still wrapped up in each other.
I could rule them out.

The rough looking guy in the booth. Maybe. He looks tough and scary.
He stirs and straitens up from his slumped position. I realize I’m staring and begin to worry. Did anyone notice? Did he notice? Does he know I suspect him?

I begin to fidget in with my drink.
I tell myself “don’t look at him, don’t look at anyone.”

Sitting, facing the bar, with my back to a potentially crazed murderer, I tried to relax and keep an open mind. Maybe it wasn’t him. Maybe it was… the man in the business suit.
Yes, it has to be him.

It’s always the clean cut guy, the one you least expect.

I casually reach behind the bar for some sort of defensive devise, in case I’m attacked. I didn’t was to make it to obvious, didn’t want to get anyone’s guard up. 

With my hand, I felt around behind the bar. My fingers find something hard, metallic. I grab it and hold it in a closed fist, ready to use it at a moment’s notice.

The uniformed officers emerge from the back room with Joe close behind. 

They shake Joe’s hand and thank him for his cooperation, and leave.

Joe returns to behind the bar.

I look at him with a strong gaze. He walks towards me. “Need another?” I shake my head and look at him stronger, with questioning eyes. He shakes his head, not understanding. I open my eyes wide and raise my eyebrows. Again, he looks back with confusion.

“What is it, Grace.”

I try to whisper and not move my mouth, gesturing with my face to get my point across. “What was that bout?”

“Oh that, they come in every few years.  There was an alleged  murder some place on this block, must be over thirty years ago. Pretty high profile case at the time. Some big Mob guy if I remember correctly.”

The suspense I had worked up in my head had dissipated, unsatisfyingly so. “Oh…”

“I guess they still get tips and have to follow them up, but by now, it’s mostly just conjecture and theories.”

The door opens behind me again and I turn to see my friends enter.

Patty is first in. “Hey Grace, sorry we’re late. Did we miss anything.”

I take a sip of my drink, loosening my grip on the weapon. “Not really.”

Joe, from behind the bar, searching. "Where's my bottle opener?"

Hope you enjoyed. I had fund writing.
Please feel free to leave comments.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Oct. 19th, 2014, Becca & Deb

Shortly after our last class, we received an email from our instructor with our homework assignment. That was about 10 days ago. The assignment was:
"Write a two to three page story that ends with the following sentence: Debra brushed the sand from her blouse, took a last, wistful look at Rebecca and stepped into the hot-air balloon."
Due date Oct. 20th.

I started writing and realized, by the time I got to the last line, that I have inadvertently used the right names for the wrong characters. Instead of editing the full story, I switched the named around in the final sentence. (Also changed the tense to fit with the formatting.)

Note: The formatting didn't transpose (copy/paste) very well, so please let me know if you're interested in reading the properly formatted script.

Hope you enjoy the read:


               Becca, you ok?


DEBRA, a young fit girl in her mid twenties hovers over the body of REBECCA, an equally fit girl, the same age, with an open head wound, bleeding. Rebecca blinks.

               Becca, oh Becca...

Debra, gently brushing Rebecca’s hair, speaks in a gently tone to her friend.

                              DEBRA (CONT’D)
               Hang on Bec, you’ll be alright.

Rebecca moans and turns her head.

In the distance, an over turned dune buggy and the bottom of a steep dune. Scars in the sand leading to a rocky outcrop, evidence of the mishap.

One large boulder is covered in blood. Some others have blood splatter.

               Yes Becca, I’m here, I’m right here.

               What... what happened?

               The buggy flipped and fell on us, you got
               banged up pretty bad, but you’ll be ok.
               Just hang in.

Rebecca moans again and passes out.

Debra holds back a sob and brushes her friend's hair from her forehead.

                             DEBRA (CONT’D)
                    (to herself)

Debra gently gets up. Her torn cloths show off scrapes and gashes on her arms and legs.

She makes her way back to the overturned buggy and hunts in the scattered debris until she finds a canteen.

As she turns to make her way back to her friend, the sun reflects off something shiny in the debris, and it catches Debra’s eye.

She lets out a happy laugh, when she identifies the item as Rebecca’s cell phone. She scoops it up and scampers back to her friend.

                              DEBRA (CONT’D)
               Becca, I found your phone. 
               It’s gonna be alright.

Rebecca is motionless.

Debra flips the phone, but there is no signal.

                              DEBRA (CONT’D)
               Hang on Bec.

Debra hold the phone up in the air and wanders around staring at the screen, looking, searching, hoping for a signal.

                              DEBRA (CONT’D)
                    (to the phone)
               Come on!!

Rebecca’s eyes open.


Debra, hearing her friend’s voice, drops the phone and rushed back to Rebecca’s side.

               Ya Bec, I’m here.

Debra kneels down beside her friend.

               How far did we make it?                              

               About half way. Another 3 hours and               
               we would have made it to base camp.                              

               I bet it would have been beautiful.


               Ya Bec, it sure would have.

Rebecca passes out again, Debra fights back a tear.

After a moment, Debra retrieve the dropped phone and resumes searching for a signal.

Phone in hand, hand in air, walking slowly, searching.

A bar.

She finds a bar.

She moves ever so slowly, keeping an eye on the one bar.

She dials 9-1-1.

                            DEBRA (CONT’D)

               Hello? Hello? We need help. There’s been
               an accident.

Crackling from the phone, then a voice.

               State your emergency please.                                                          DEBRA

               Yes, hello. Our dune buggy flipped,
               my friend is hurt.

More crackling.



               Hello... hello??

She moves the phone to view the screen, there are no bars. She puts the phone back to her ear,

                              DEBRA (CONT’D)


In anger and frustration, she slams the phone closed.



Debra shakes off her frustration before returning to her friend’s side.

               I’m here Bec.

               I want to see the dunes Deb.

               We’re here in the dunes, they’re all
               around us.

               From above, I want to see them from above.

Confused, Debra gently pats her friend’s shoulder, trying to reassure her.


               Ok, sure. We can see them from above, but first,
                  let’s get you looked at, Ok?


               We can see them from a hot-air balloon.
               It would be magnificent, wouldn’t it?

Debra nodes, chocking back her concern.

                              REBECCA (CONT’D)

               We can go now, can’t we go now?

               No, sweetie, not right now, but soon.

Rebecca’s eyes gaze past her friend

               Sure we can.

Debra turns to see what Rebecca is looking at, but sees nothing.


               Shhh, rest Bec, save your strength

               I think I have to go now.

Rebecca casually stands up and brushes past her friend.

                              REBECCA (CONT’D)

               It’s ok, Deb.

Rebecca walks towards a brightly colored hot-air balloon, shimmering just past the over turned buggy

Debra crieS out


               Don’t go, Bec. Hold on!


               It’ll be ok, Deb. I have to go.

An shimmering blond-haired boy dressed all in white stands beside the balloon, gently waving Rebecca forward.

Another blond child is in the balloon’s basket, also motioning for Rebecca to come forward.

Debra, still crouched over Rebecca’s body, lightly shakes her friend.

               Becca, Becca, don’t go. Hang on.
               Hang on Bec.

Rebecca turns for another look at her friend.


               Don’t worry, Deb, It’s going to be
               wonderful, I just know it.

She reached for the outstretched hand of the blond child and steps up onto a small foot stool.


                    (still holding her friend’s body)

Rebecca brushes the sand from her blouse, takes a last, wistful look at Debra and steps into the hot-air balloon.


Please let me know what you think.
