Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Oct. 14, 2014

Writing excessive for today:

Monster Hunter...

They’re real you know. The things that go bump in the night. The monster that live under your bed. They exist and I’ve made it my life’s work to manage and maintain the order between the beasts and the human population.

Sure they can get riled up and go a little crazy, scaring whatever kid happened to be in the room at that time, but for the most part they just want to live and let live.

Some are small and some are huge, but they all have some sort of magical power. Either they can shrink or grow or fender themselves invisible.  And that’s how they survive most of the time.  Most of them, that is.

There’s are always a few trouble makers, but recently, there is a rising notion amongst the monster community that they shouldn’t have to stay still at little Tommy’s bed time, or that they shouldn’t have to go invisible if little Angela happened to wake up during the night.

It’s causing an awful lot of commotion within the human population.

I’m tasked with the job of tracking them down and reeling them in. Of course we try to reason with them, if we can, but we aren’t opposed to using force or ultimate relocation.

I lead a team of twenty four fine men and women who go to extremes to get the job done.

Tonight, we’re tracking Grolowinka.  He’s an average size monster with fuchsia fur and long orange tusks. He's been sighted by the sleep cabins of the local summer camp site where hundreds of pre-teen children hope to spend a delightful summer.

Grolowinka seems to have other plans and it’s our job to bring peace to the campsite.

It may vary well be the beginning of something that I can really sink my teeth into.

I guess we'll see...

Hope you liked it. 

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